Are You Overwhelmed with Daily Business Tasks?

How to Stay Consistent in Business Without Burning Out

By, Esther Spina

Business Coach for Ambitious Businesswomen & Female Entrepreneurs

Inspired by Chapter 12 of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, 

The Ambitious Woman,

What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One,


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“Be consistent. Little acts create great accomplishments.” — Uneeka Jay

If your list of Post-It notes is a mile long and you’re struggling to keep up, know that every successful businesswoman has once been in your shoes.

Maintaining and building a successful business can seem like a mountain of responsibility without the right plan in place.

I want to help you find the balance between growing your business and taking care of yourself so that you can maintain your goals for the long term.

In this week’s blog, I give you 5 tips for staying focused on the small steps it will take to get where you want to be as an ambitious woman or female entrepreneur.

1. Develop a Set Daily Routine You Can Stick To

Most successful entrepreneurs and female founders have a consistent daily schedule. For example, they may start with a morning routine including meditation to clear the mind, followed by a workout, then a healthy meal. They have this down to a science, and often, timed down to the minute.

Here are some examples of consistency in morning routines from top female CEOs and entrepreneurs.

While your routine might not be so regimented, I encourage you to think about how you structure your day and put a set plan in place that you can commit to doing regularly.

Of course, there will be times when you need to be flexible, but having a plan will prevent you from slipping into unproductive habits like mindless social media scrolling that distract you from the necessary tasks of the day.

Find the habits, hobbies, and schedule that works for YOU. Simply copying someone else’s morning routine may not work for your unique needs, and if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick to it. A brisk morning walk or light stretching to clear your head may work better for you than a drill sergeant-style workout class if you’re not a morning person and that’s OK!

Another strategy is to get the task you dread the most out of the way first thing in the morning. This way you won’t spend your valuable energy procrastinating and worrying about this task all day. Free yourself up to get to the other things on your to-do list with more vitality and energy. 

2. Mind Your Mindset for Business Success

It’s easy to get busy with your day-to-day tasks and forget to check in with how you are feeling and where your energy level is. Overworking becomes harmful when you have a lack of balance, which leads to full-on business burnout.

As a business coach for women, it’s not uncommon for me to meet female business owners and entrepreneurs who are working 60 hours a week and running themselves ragged for the sake of achieving their goals.

But, at what personal cost? 

If you’ve read my book, you know that I am an ambitious woman too, but if you wear yourself down to achieve your career goals, you won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work.

Whatever helps you release excess tension, make sure you build time into every day to do it so that taking care of yourself first becomes a priority in your life. And when you do, I promise your business will benefit as a result.

3. Get Regular Support From Women Who Understand (Even If They Are Online Mentors)

Listening to your favorite female entrepreneur or businesswoman, on a podcast, YouTube, or TED Talk, keeps you on track and inspired, but do you do it regularly?

When you listen to your mentors, you realize that most successful businesswomen are not overnight sensations. They just stuck to the small daily habits that ensured their eventual success.

Those mundane tasks you don’t look forward to are the ones that will make all the difference. It’s all about consistency and daily needs repeated over time.

Join a Facebook or Meetup group for female business owners, and you’ll see that many women are facing the same struggles and occasional setbacks to motivation that you are. You will feel less alone and get valuable tips and resources from women who have overcome the same challenges along the way.

4. Delegate and Automate As Soon As Possible

Many of the tasks you are doing now you can either delegate or automate.

This frees your time to grow your business, instead of spending your time maintaining your business.

Look at ways you can outsource your smaller tasks to a VA or find systems that allow you to put them on autopilot. Preserve your energy for reaching your next business goal instead of expending it on simple chores that are not the best use of your valuable time.

Female billionaires know this secret — your time is the most valuable resource you have.

Putting systems like this in place allows you to stay fresh and concentrate on expanding the part of your business you love. Don’t look at it as an expense. Investing in your business is not an expense, it’s a necessity. 

Fun downtime with great friends!

5. Don’t Forget To Schedule Your Downtime and Time Off Too

As much as you need to make a routine to check your business needs off your to-do list, setting time aside to simply R-E-L-A-X is just as important. 

Give yourself one FULL day a week away from work and do whatever you want. Spend time with family and friends, lounge around watching TV, or on a day trip to forget about work. This is your day to do YOU.

More importantly, don’t feel guilty about your time off and stop telling yourself I “should” be working. Truthfully, you’re more productive when you return to your work relaxed, refreshed, and with a clearer mind to make important business decisions.

Take vacations when you can, even if they are staycations. This article, Why Business Owners Should Be Strategic About Time Off, mentions, Americans are taking less and less time off and as a result experiencing more burnout, fatigue, and depression than ever before.

Get more mindset tips and inspiring stories of women who never gave up and reached their dreams in my business book for women,

 The Ambitious Woman, What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One


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In my book, I share the hard-won lessons I’ve learned as a business owner and entrepreneur who has reinvented herself many times over. This includes how I overcame the recession, failed business ventures, and the mental roadblocks that prevented me from living the life of fulfillment and personal satisfaction I now enjoy.

And, if I can do it, you can do it too!

Until next time, stay consistent and remember that it’s all the little things that add up to BIG success.

3 Ways to Stay Humble in Business & Why It’s So Important

Advice for Successful Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders from a Business Coach for Women

By, Esther Spina

Business Coach for Ambitious Women & Female Entrepreneurs

Inspired by Chapter 8 of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, 

The Ambitious Woman, What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One,


We’ve all been in that boardroom or meeting when someone’s ego has taken over and they can’t stop praising their own achievements. Their pride is out of control and no one else can get a word in edgewise.

No one wants to be that person, but how do we keep our ego in check and our feet on the ground as our business grows?

In this blog, I’ll share tips I’ve learned for professional humility and explain how it ultimately helps your business to grow.

As a business leadership coach and mentor, I know that humility in leadership is very important to see continued success. Read below for 3 ways to keep your feet on the ground and maintain the respect of your teammates and business partners.

1. Humble Leaders Give Credit to Others Where It’s Due

In my book, I mention that no one becomes successful alone. Even the most successful female entrepreneurs and CEOs have a team of people behind them supporting their vision. So, when we reach our milestones of success, it’s important to acknowledge the other people who helped us get there. 

This can be as simple as buying lunch for your support staff when you hit that once elusive goal. It can be acknowledging your go-to person in the next meeting to show them how much you appreciate their efforts. Or it can mean giving an unexpected bonus to someone whose hard work was crucial to achieving your desired outcome. 

Humility in leadership means you don’t take all the credit for your wins.

Humble leaders listen more, which ultimately leads to business growth when the trusted feedback of other team members is taken into consideration. No one makes it big by living in a silo and ignoring trusted opinions and feedback.

As businesswomen and female entrepreneurs, we are all better off when we get different perspectives to make our business decisions as informed as possible.

Strong, humble, ambitious women uniting at the AWC to learn and support one another.

This article by Forbes mentions a study that found that “humility in CEOs led to higher-performing leadership teams, increased collaboration and cooperation and flexibility in developing strategies,” all of which leads to more success in business. It also mentions teams show more productivity when leaders ask for their feedback and focus on their needs.

Female leaders and entrepreneurs who are humble know they don’t have all the answers.

2. Humble Leaders Acknowledge Their Mistakes and Know What They Can’t Control

Do you have a hard time acknowledging when you’re wrong or admitting your mistakes? If so, you could be compromising your humility in the eyes of your team. You are likely also compromising your business’ potential for fear of being seen as a failure. 

Learning not to take perceived failures personally and to take them as learning opportunities is a hallmark of humility.

If you’re not making mistakes it means you’re not taking risks. 

This also means allowing other team members or employees to make mistakes without fear of condemnation or consequences.

That way you create an environment for growth and experimentation that is a breeding ground for success, instead of a place where people feel nervous, uncomfortable, and hesitant to share their ideas. This limits innovation and ultimately your business growth.

3. Never Forget Where You Came From as a Business Leader

As you gain success in your career as an entrepreneur and businesswoman, it’s important to remember where you started.

It’s so easy to become obsessed with getting ahead and to forget how far you’ve come.

Helpful advice for successful female entrepreneurs from a Business coach for women and author of The Ambitious Woman book for success in business.

Taking time out to be consciously aware of how much you have achieved and how humble your beginnings were puts everything into perspective and allows us to have an appreciation for all we have in the present.

Think back to when you first started and ask yourself — What fears have I overcome since then? What milestones have I accomplished? What obstacles did I overcome?

Reviewing your past wins keeps you humble because it reminds you that the road to success was not always easy. We tend to forget how many challenges we’ve fought through as women in business and keeping the past fully in mind keeps us grounded and open to learning.

If you want to learn more about female business leaders who inspire me with their humility, pick up a copy of my book,

The Ambitious Woman, What It Takes & Why You Want to Be One

Get either the book or CD for the low price of $6.99 each!

And now, for a limited time, you can share the gift of inspiration with a friend for free . . .

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All you have to do is email me at [email protected] with your name, your friend’s name, and where to send the audiobooks. Each of you will get the CD absolutely free (while supplies last) with no further obligation. That’s how easy it is! 

Let’s grow our Ambitious Woman circle together. 

You Must Believe You Can Do Anything!

BLog Header

One of the biggest lies of our time, in my opinion, is the idea that in order to be an Ambitious Woman you must be a career woman, working mom, wife and all-around role juggler. Actually, you can be an Ambitious woman in almost any role. Barbara Walters, a great role model who recently retired after 50 years in the entertainment and news business, says, “A woman can do anything. She can be traditionally feminine and that’s all right; she can work, she can stay at home; she can be aggressive; she can be passive; she can be any way she wants with a man. But whenever there are the kinds of choices there are today, unless you have some solid base, life can be frightening.” However, without the belief that you can do anything, you may never achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Actions always follow decisions. You must convince yourself first in your mind that you should do something, and then the action itself will follow. Until you decide it in head and heart, however, the actuality of the event will never occur. This is why it is so important to build passion, because from passion comes motivation.

You must convince yourself first in your mind that you should do something, and then the action itself will follow.

One of the greatest enemies of passion is people pleasing. It will cause you to be divided within yourself. Remember that others may not have the same goals for you that you do! When you try to please everyone, you are necessarily taking away from your own dreams and passions to pursue what someone else wants.

This is not to say that you should focus only on yourself. However, you should be aware of how much time you have to devote to others and keep yourself within that limit. You must also set your own goals and set aside time to pursue them vigorously, even if the people around you do not support your actions.

An Ambitious Woman always believes she can do anything she sets her mind to do. Barbara Walters is a wonderful example of the Ambitious Woman who is able to achieve what she wants because she has the flexibility to allow others to pursue their own dreams. Try to surround yourself with people like her; besides being a mentor and a great role model, these Ambitious Women are able to help you achieve your own goals through their support!

Risky Business: Building A Dream

Esther Spina, The Ambitious Woman, Ambitious Women, Spina, Esther Spina

Have you ever heard the story of Diana Nyad? On September 2, 2013, she swam 110 miles from Cuba to Florida. That may not seem like a unique accomplishment; after all, other people have done it before. However, there was a difference between Diana’s trip and those of other people.

For one thing, it was her fifth attempt to cross the dangerous ocean between these locations; four other times had ended in failure. For another, she was 64 years old! Even more incredibly, Diana was the first person to make the swim without a shark cage. What this should teach us all is to never give up and find a way to pursue your dreams. The more we stay in our comfort zones, the less inspiration and growth we experience.

The more we stay in our comfort zones, the less inspiration and growth we experience.

I am sure it cannot have been easy for Diana Nyad to pursue that dream. It was not easy for me when I spent two years, along with my husband, remodeling our home to sell it. I kept thinking, throughout the hard work, of the victory we would achieve if we could sell the house at a high price. Just thinking about it made the work easier! However, plans changed.

Suddenly, we found the dream home we wanted. What about our old house? We were not ready to sell. However, we were blessed to be able to pass the house to our son’s family. By taking the chance and putting in the hard work, we were able to not only achieve our dream but also to bless someone else.

The fact is that until you dare to swim without the shark cage, you will probably never realize your true dreams. Stepping outside of comfort zones is difficult, but if you never give up, seek inspiration and find a way to pursue your dream, you will realize the full potential of what you are capable of doing. In my book, The Ambitious Woman, you will find many examples of how I might never have achieved my goals without being willing to “swim with the sharks,” even without a cage!