Overcome Self-Doubt and Insecurity with 3 Helpful Tips from a Business Mindset Coach
By, Esther Spina
Business Coach for Ambitious Businesswomen & Female Entrepreneurs
Inspired by Chapter 14 of my Amazon Best-Selling Book,
What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One,
Are you FROZEN IN FEAR and afraid to take that next step in your career?
Do you have big dreams, but you’re not sure you have the right skills or experience to succeed?
Are you afraid to work for that next promotion because you’re not sure you can do it?
All the successful businesswomen I’ve mentored, battle with self-confidence issues at some point in their careers.
In this article, I show you what you need to know to combat over-thinking and fear. This frees you up to sail into your future with conviction and style!

1. Stop Overthinking by Shaking Things Up
Do you have a hard time meditating or going to sleep because you can’t get your mind to turn off? Are there a million thoughts running through your head at any given moment?
As a women’s business coach, I know you have a lot on your mind, and it’s hard not to focus on multiple things at once. It’s how you get stuff done. But it’s also how you get trapped in overwhelm, unable to see a clear path forward.
Signs you’re overthinking include:
- Worrying all the time about things that haven’t even happened yet
- Beating yourself up for making “mistakes”
- Procrastinating because you’re afraid of making the “wrong” decision
So how do we stop our racing minds and start being open to growth?
I encourage you to go out and try something you’ve never done before. Take up a new hobby, try a different exercise style, or go to a city you’ve never been to before. This puts you immediately into a beginner’s mindset for learning. It prepares you for handling the unexpected.
This way you’ll see anything that happens in business as an opportunity for learning. You won’t beat yourself up when things don’t go as planned. Because we can’t control everything. Instead, keep your mind open to learning and you’ll become more adaptable to change.
When you allow yourself to be flexible, you become bulletproof to events beyond your control. This includes recessions, pandemics, and normal business downturns. And you’ll build confidence in ways you never could have imagined!
2. How to Reframe Negative Thinking & Take Action!
To overcome a lack of self-confidence in business — mindset is everything.
I coach women in business to re-wire negative thinking patterns and to expect positive results.
Habitual thoughts turn into beliefs, which turn into actions or INACTION.
If you’re thinking of starting a new business, career path, or promoting, fear of the unknown can be crippling.
Worrying about everything that could go wrong stops you from taking any action at all.
The businesswomen I work with in my mindset coaching programs suffer from perfectionism and self-critical thinking. These traits are a natural result of their ambitious natures. The same characteristics that propel you to the top work can destroy your self-confidence if you let them.
Instead, it’s better to get started and take any step forward. There’s no way you can think ahead to everything that could go wrong and prevent it. This is why a beginner’s mindset is so important so you can learn through trial and error.
For example, I had a thriving online baby clothing business until the economy slid into a recession. Then I had to unexpectedly shift gears and reinvent myself. It was devastating at the time, but the resiliency I developed gave me so much confidence. And my next business was even more successful.
I also experienced what felt like many betrayals in business. It hurt when partners I considered friends left to pursue other opportunities. I felt like I’d failed as a business owner at the time. I now realize that’s just a natural part of life and evolution. Things change, but these experiences had a silver lining . . .
Without these personal “failures,” I wouldn’t know how much I could handle on my own.
Thanks to these challenges, I became more self-reliant, which helped me gain confidence in myself. When you build this trust in yourself, you’ll feel invincible when business changes occur.
3. Fake it Til You Make It! — The Secret of Confident Business Women
Confidence is about perception. This means that as long as you appear confident, people will believe you are.
Many seasoned performers or speakers still get stage fright, but they know how to walk onto the stage appearing confident.
And, you know what? The audience can’t tell the difference. When they hear the applause, the confidence they were pretending to have becomes real.
Katy Perry said, “If you’re presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.” (From the article, 51 Self-Confidence Building Quotes for Women of All Ages)
Every time you show up and put yourself out there you build confidence.
The only way to gain self-confidence is through experience and there’s no better time than the present. Taking that first step is a confidence booster in itself. Get started even if you don’t feel “ready.”
If you wait to be 100% ready, you’ll always be on the sidelines.
Don’t expect perfection, especially your first go-round. Expect that experience will teach you everything you need to know to get to where you want to be.
The most successful businesswomen in the world didn’t get there because it was smooth sailing to the top. They got there because they experienced setback after setback and kept moving forward.
When you successfully navigate obstacles, you naturally build faith in yourself.
And the more you create trust in yourself, the more others trust you too.
If you’re struggling with self-confidence, reach out to me. I’ve helped many businesswomen overcome self-doubt to achieve their goals.
Always Ambitiously,
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