Winners Experiment!

Thomas Edison said “I have not failed.
I have just found 10,000 things that do not work.”

Scientist in laboratory holding sample

Scientist in laboratory holding sample

It is no secret that throughout our lives we will encounter a mired of problems. The difference that makes us losers or winners is how we deal with our problems. Problem solving is an experimental art. Sometimes the solution is not clear and we must try several things before we find the answer.

The solution to a problem may not be easy to discover. However, a winner will relentlessly pursue new avenues and consistently experiment until it is solved.

It would be wonderful to have the ability to solve all problems efficiently and in a timely fashion without difficulty, unfortunately there is no one way in which all problems can be solved. This why we MUST be persistent and continue to experiment until we can solve our problems. It is crucial that we develop our problem solving skills if we wish to be successful.

Once we learn how to solve our problems, we can then discover how to learn from our problems and the process it took to solve them. Like Thomas Edison, you may find 10,000 things that don’t work, but rest assured the one thing that does is out there.

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Live a Humble Life

It is very important that you realize that you do not achieve your goals alone.


I talk a great deal about empowerment and ambition, but I also know that I cannot do anything by myself.  In my book The Ambitious Woman, I remind my readers that when you realize that you cannot do it alone and that your success was really the efforts of others as well, you are humbled.   It pays to remind ourselves of how others contribute to our success as we form our goals and pursue them.

An ambitious woman is one who does not flaunt her success but instead gives credit where credit is due.  She understands exactly what others have contributed to her life and their contributions inspire an attitude of gratefulness in her.  In fact, an unknown person said, “Greatness is humility that doesn’t need to be noticed.”  I love that quote because to me it embodies the truly grateful spirit that accompanies real success.

In my life, I have had reason to be grateful to many people.  First and foremost are my husband and children.  They have supported me through every phase of my life and they are the real reason I have worked so hard to achieve what I have.  If you have a family who loves and supports you, you are already the richest person on earth, no matter what your bank account says!  Remember that when times are hard or the going gets rough.  Remember that your loving and caring family is often the springboard for your greatest achievements.

Living a humble life is not only about recognizing others’ contributions, however.  It is also about acknowledging our own limitations.  The flipside of ambition is overconfidence.  If we succeed too much, there is a danger in us saying, “This is because I am great.”  That is rarely the case.  You are great, make no mistake, but rarely is that the only reason for success!  Keeping a humble attitude allows you to be respectful and grateful for all the things people have done for you as well as keep your own attitude in line with reality!

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Possible vs. Impossible

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” Tommy LaSorda

The key to determination comes from being committed to your goal, connecting with your purpose, and visualizing your goal’s possibility. It is not easy being in business for yourself. In fact, in many ways it is just simpler to work for someone else! I want to share three things with you that may help you stay determined and focused. These tips are found in my new book The Ambitious Woman and I am convinced they are key to your success.

First, make a decision once. One problem that women encounter when they start a business is the underlying assumption that we are inconsistent or do not take charge well. Do not justify that belief. Your decisions are just as good as anyone else’s and you have just as good a chance of success at your new business as any other entrepreneur, provided you stand firm.
In addition, you must be very clear with your goals. Write down exactly what you want to accomplish. How will you make decisions if you do not know where you are headed? Your goals can be changed or adjusted, but set them down so that there is no doubt in your mind where you want to be.

Finally, take action. Something great starts to happen when you do what you are supposed to do. This may not always be fun, but you know where the necessary work is! In the 1970s my husband and I opened a worm farm. Yes, you heard right: a worm farm. I did not ultimately remain a worm farmer, but I had accomplished an even more important goal: I had started my own business, and I learned a great deal by doing so! The seed was planted inside me that would never again let me be content working for someone else. I knew the right opportunity would present itself, but I also learned that you have to get your hands in the dirt in order to succeed sometimes.

Never give up, and keep dreaming. Sooner than you think, you will achieve your goals!

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Successful People Do What Unsuccessful People Will Not Do

This is something I learned early on in my business career that changed the way I approach my business. I still remind myself of this whenever I feel like not doing something:

Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

Successful People

You don’t want to call your friends and family and share the Ambit opportunity.

It can be tough and unnatural at first, that’s why these are the best people to start with! Talking to friends and family gives you lots of practice and it also gets lots of rejection out of the way. To be successful you have to do things you don’t want to do because…

Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

You don’t feel like going to a business presentation tonight.

We all feel like that at times, even me.  Recently, I calculated that in the past 6½ years I have heard the Ambit presentation 10,200 times. Plus, this past week in California, I did the presentation 14 times in 6 days so now I am at 10,214 times. But for someone else, this will be the first time they hear the presentation. And it will change their life.

Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

You don’t have time to make those follow up calls, you’ll do it another time.

To have a successful business, time management is an absolute necessity. If you carve out specific time each day to make new calls or follow up calls, you will do it. If you don’t set the time aside, it will never happen. I understand it’s not easy. But…

Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

You don’t feel like mentioning Ambit to a co-worker or neighbor because you don’t want to be pushy.

Here’s the thing – if you believe in Ambit and the incredible opportunity it provides, that is an honest conversation, not a sale. So, share with everyone! And, if they say no, remember they are not saying no to YOU. They are saying no to what you are offering them. Don’t take it personally.  Just move on. They just might see the potential and say yes!

Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

A successful practice that many unsuccessful people ignore is setting goals. Make your list, set your goals, and review daily.  Yes, it takes time. There are lots of other things to do. Sometimes you may not even know what your goal is. However, this is a way to measure you’re growth and see what you can work towards, a motivator of sorts. Remember…

Do you want to be successful?   Do the things you don’t want to do!

Dreams Can Come True!

“Your Time Is Limited, So Don’t Waste It
Living Someone Else’s Life.” -Steve Jobs


Many of us have “someday dreams.” You know what these are: they are the dreams we always believe will be fulfilled sometime in the future but never today. However, “someday dreams” can become today’s reality if you are willing to do what it takes to make your dreams come true.
You can do anything if you choose to do it. While some people dream, some people make dreams happen. The difference between the two groups is that while most of us have secret dreams, only some of us try to reach for those dreams. In some cases, these dreams seem so far away that we cannot imagine how they could possibly come true. We may even avoid talking about our dreams because we are afraid of ridicule. However, we should never let fear dictate which dreams we will accomplish!
Instead, think about your wildest dream. What do you really want to do? What do you really want to be? Let your imagination run wild. Are you thinking of something that you really believe is impossible, or do you just fail to see how that dream could come true?
I am here to tell you that you can achieve your dreams, even if they seem impossible, but you have to give yourself permission to do so. In fact, I would guess that you are probably going to be surprised that if you ever actually do voice your dream to your friends, they may say something like, “I always thought you would do well in that field,” or “Why aren’t you doing that?” instead of the ridicule you expect! You see, sometimes our friends and family know us better than we know ourselves. While you are thinking about your dream, think of something else as well: has everyone been telling you that you should be doing something that you are currently not doing? Sometimes others see our dreams before we see them clearly.
Remember to dream your dreams. Do not hold yourself back. Once you have identified your dream, take steps toward it. You might be amazed at the results!

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Ready, Set, Action!

“Do not wait until you are ready to take action; instead, take action to be ready.” Jensen Siaw

Do not wait until you are ready to take action, or it will never happen! If we all waited until the “time was right,” nothing would ever get done. Sometimes just starting is the most important thing you can do. What does taking action mean to you? To me, it is a mindset, but I realize that is not true for everyone.
The first step in taking charge is to realize that everything begins with you: just take responsibility. This means that you are responsible not only for beginning but for the final outcome as well. Even if the situation is not your fault, take ownership of it. Never play the “blame game.” That does not mean others should not be held accountable but that blaming others is a losing prospect. When you blame or find fault, you are looking backwards instead of ahead.
The next step in taking action is to take inventory of your goals. You must have concrete goals or you will not know what you are working toward. Writing down goals is a great way to envision them and will help you decide how to take action. In order to take action you must stay in the present. You must not allow yourself to be distracted by others or by your own thoughts. Always ask yourself, “Am I doing what I really need to do right now to move forward in this situation?” Sometimes the answer to that question is yes, even if you are doing something boring or seemingly unimportant.
Finally, you must be accountable to others for your actions. Telling others what we are going to do helps us develop consistency and keeps us honest. It is much harder to back out of our goals if we share them with others.
Taking action is often a matter of just getting ourselves in the right frame of mind and taking that first step. When we hold ourselves accountable, create our goals in a concrete form and ask others to keep us accountable as well, we are on our way to useful action!

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The Wonder of It All

Is Your Life Filled With Wonder?

wonder-word3If not, you may not be looking in the right places! Wonder is something we must cultivate if we want to be successful, because it reminds us of our true place in the bigger scheme of things. Even in something as small as a mustard seed, the wonder of it causes you to realize that life is bigger than who you are.

Albert Einstein said, “He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead, his eyes are closed.” Einstein knew that there was more to life that just formulas and equations. As focused as he was on mathematics and science, he knew that the human experience is grounded in fancy as well as fact.

This is an important fact to keep in mind if you are trying to be successful. Ambitious women understand the power of wonder. It is the power that drives us to imagine things, dream our dreams and set incredible goals for ourselves. Walt Disney said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” I think so, too! That wonder and magic in our lives makes them richer, but it also makes us unstoppable. Human beings are created to be incredible, and when we allow wonder to work in our lives, we will find that we can achieve things that others never thought possible.

Of course, there will always be naysayers and doomsday prophets. These are people who have allowed wonder to die from their lives and may never be more than what they are right now. That is not us as ambitious women, however! Instead of saying “no” or “it cannot be done,” we wonder at the miracle of life and look for ways that it can be done! If we continue with that attitude, we will ultimately be successful.

Remember that when you open yourself up to true wonder, you find that life is bigger than you. You stop being the center of your own attention and start seeing how all the pieces may fit together in a grand design and pattern that blankets the ages and the universe. Allowing wonder into your life makes you must more open to new experiences, including success!

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Success is Not An Accident

Limit the Complaints and Watch Your Success Soar


If you want to see what putting the principles of determination and tenacity into action can accomplish, the story of Manal Elzeen should inspire you. Manal was a high school economics and accounting teacher in the Sudan when unrest developed in that country. She knew that her life and the lives of her children were in danger and that she must get out of the country.

She sought asylum in the United States and, after a period of time, was able to come to this country and settled in Fort Wayne. However, she now faced another problem: she could not pursue her teaching career as her new state of Indiana would not give her a teaching certificate with her credentials. Determined that she would never give up, she instead put her training to work and opened a day care for children in her home.

Because she utilized her skills and worked hard, her business was a success, allowing her to support her family and even prosper in her new home. As Manal says, “If you want to get anywhere in this life you need to work hard and learn more. This is an opportunity to receive the support needed to be successful. I want to make my business great!”

How many of us complain when the slightest setback changes our plans?
When I think of the times I have considered giving up due to nothing worse than the fact that people did not react to me the way I expected, I am almost ashamed when I see the determination of a woman like Manal. Over the years, I have learned that if one thing is undoubtedly true, it is the fact that if you never, ever, ever, EVER give up, good things will eventually happen!

Determination is not blindly following a path, however. Perhaps this is where many people make their mistakes. You have to know exactly where you want to go. The more detailed and concrete your goals are, the more likely you are to achieve them! As my own niece Janelle Cline said, “Those who accomplish great things in life have what I call a ‘can-do’ attitude. They are determined to ‘can-do’ whatever is needed to accomplish their goals.”

When you are determined to pursue a well-identified goal, and when you never give up on that goal, you are well on your way to accomplishment!

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