This is something I learned early on in my business career that changed the way I approach my business. I still remind myself of this whenever I feel like not doing something:
Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.

You don’t want to call your friends and family and share the Ambit opportunity.
It can be tough and unnatural at first, that’s why these are the best people to start with! Talking to friends and family gives you lots of practice and it also gets lots of rejection out of the way. To be successful you have to do things you don’t want to do because…
Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.
You don’t feel like going to a business presentation tonight.
We all feel like that at times, even me. Recently, I calculated that in the past 6½ years I have heard the Ambit presentation 10,200 times. Plus, this past week in California, I did the presentation 14 times in 6 days so now I am at 10,214 times. But for someone else, this will be the first time they hear the presentation. And it will change their life.
Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.
You don’t have time to make those follow up calls, you’ll do it another time.
To have a successful business, time management is an absolute necessity. If you carve out specific time each day to make new calls or follow up calls, you will do it. If you don’t set the time aside, it will never happen. I understand it’s not easy. But…
Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.
You don’t feel like mentioning Ambit to a co-worker or neighbor because you don’t want to be pushy.
Here’s the thing – if you believe in Ambit and the incredible opportunity it provides, that is an honest conversation, not a sale. So, share with everyone! And, if they say no, remember they are not saying no to YOU. They are saying no to what you are offering them. Don’t take it personally. Just move on. They just might see the potential and say yes!
Successful people do what unsuccessful people will not do.
A successful practice that many unsuccessful people ignore is setting goals. Make your list, set your goals, and review daily. Yes, it takes time. There are lots of other things to do. Sometimes you may not even know what your goal is. However, this is a way to measure you’re growth and see what you can work towards, a motivator of sorts. Remember…
Do you want to be successful? Do the things you don’t want to do!