3 Tips for Finding Your Passion and Turning It Into Your Dream Career

Make 2022 the year you go for your BIG DREAM!

By, Esther Spina

Business Coach for Ambitious Businesswomen & Female Entrepreneurs

Inspired by Chapter 13 of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, 

The Ambitious Woman,

What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One,


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We’ve all been there at some point — in a job you don’t really love, living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling through another day at a place you’re not inspired to be just to pay the bills.

As a female entrepreneur who has reinvented herself many times after hard times and failed business ventures, I know how important it is to do what calls out to your soul.

To get to a place of satisfaction and fulfillment, you have to constantly evaluate and refine your journey as a businesswoman.

In this week’s blog, I’ll give you three tips for turning your passion into your career, because you know what they say . . . Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

1. Find Out What You’re Truly Passionate About

You were born with unique skills and talents that are little clues about your life’s purpose. It’s up to you to uncover those gifts and follow where they lead. If you’re struggling to find your passion, try some of the techniques below.

  • Look at what you did naturally as a kid — Did you play school with dolls or spend hours in your room solving puzzles? That may mean you are a natural teacher or problem solver. As adults, it’s common to choose a career based on other factors like money, status, or necessity. But, you had instincts as children that were signs about your natural talents. What were yours? 

  • What would you do for free? Is there something you could do for hours whether someone paid you or not and be completely content? Look at those things because they’re a sign of your true passion. Then all you have to do is find a way to monetize it.

  • How do you spend your spare time? You can turn hobbies into entrepreneurial pursuits or careers if you put enough effort into them0. Are you crafty or have a special skillset? For example, there was a woman who made purses for fun. Once she put them on Etsy her business took off and she was able to quit her day job. The things you love to do for fun are the perfect starting point for future endeavors.

  • What brings you the most satisfaction? Is it helping people, performing, public speaking? Whatever it is, follow what feels good and that you’re naturally good at. Following what fulfills you is a surefire way to find a career that aligns with your purpose.

  • What DON’T you like to do? Identifying aspects of work you don’t enjoy, helps you narrow your focus and revise along the way. Did you find out you hate marketing but you’re good at networking? All of those little insights assist you in refining the type of path you may want to take in your future career. If you’re not happy where you are and what to make a shift, ask yourself what parts of your job you do and don’t want to carry forward into your next line of work.

I highly recommend you write all of this down in the same place so you can reflect on it. The Ambitious Woman Journal is a great place to log your thoughts to get clarity and direction for your journey. Get it for just the $2.99 shipping cost here.

2. Put a Practical Plan in Place to Reach Your Career Goals

As any businesswoman or aspiring female entrepreneur knows, it’s not enough just to have a dream, you have to make goals and take thoughtful steps to make them a reality. Here is some advice from the top female CEOs and entrepreneurs I admire for taking your vision from the intangible to the tangible.

  • Hire someone to draft a business plan for you — Not good with numbers? No worries! There are professionals who can do this for you and it ensures you set yourself up for success. Plan ahead to prevent the pitfalls that occur when you don’t strategize for the long term.

  • Do the market and customer research necessary to take your dream for your head to the page. You’ll need to research your competitors, clients, and audience to make that vision a reality. What are their deepest pain points, desires, and goals?

  • Network to meet the people who can help you get your vision off the ground. Learn from other female entrepreneurs or women CEOs who have done what you want to do and benefit from their experience. My Ambitious Women’s Conference is a great place to meet like-minded businesswomen and mentors who’ll help support you through your dreams and inspire you with their stories.

  • Don’t forget the process of starting over in a new career or creating your own business should also be exciting and fun! Get playful when picking out business names and logos and you’ll enjoy the process of becoming the next successful businesswoman or female CEO so much more. 

3. Silence the Doubt and Fear That Hold You Back

If you’re starting a new business venture or becoming an entrepreneur for the first time, it’s normal to be feel afraid, alone and overwhelmed. Going for your loftiest goals can be daunting, but know that many women have felt the same way you do now and triumphed to reach their goals.

Here are 10 stories of female founders who overcame their fears to make a difference in the world with their work. You’ll notice every businesswoman had to tackle similar difficulties, many of which are in your mind, including:

  • Overanalyzing everything ahead of time, which keeps you from doing anything. The #1 advice I can give you is JUST GET STARTED and learn as you go. You can’t learn it all from the sidelines or from a book, you have to take action.

  • Take a good look at your beliefs and re-wire negative thought patterns. Top female CEOs and businesswomen will tell you mindset is the key to success.

  • Release fear and anxiety by focusing on one task at a time. We tend to get overwhelmed when we think too far ahead. Instead, take it one challenge at a time and focus on the chore ahead of you.

Read more inspiring stories of successful female entrepreneurs

and top CEOs who went for their dreams in my book,

 The Ambitious Woman,

What It Takes and Why You Want to Be One

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6 Tips to Find Inspiration When You’re Struggling to Stay Motivated



Advice from a Business Book Every Woman Entrepreneur Should Read

By, Esther Spina, Business Coach for Ambitious Women Entrepreneurs


Today I want to talk about how to get re-inspired when you’re feeling unmotivated, and how to get out of that fresh-out-of-ideas slump.

We all have days when we get tired when we are struggling to keep the ball rolling and the wheels moving. Feeling overwhelmed with everything on our plates is very common for the female entrepreneurs and business owners I work with as a business coach for women.

So how do we find the motivation to keep going when we feel like we aren’t getting anywhere or it’s just taking too long to reach our goals?

In the first chapter of, The Ambitious Women, a must-have book for every businesswoman, I talk about how we can find inspiration at any point in our lives. There is no such thing as too late. And inspiration is always out there ready for you to discover and leverage to keep your dreams alive.


1.Think about what inspired you to start your business in the first place.

It’s important to remind ourselves of our passion and what compelled us to share that talent, skill, or service with the world in the beginning.

Once we get into the day-to-day aspects of running our businesses, (You know . . . the tedious social media posting, accounting, and email writing), it can bog us down and kill our original inspiration. 

Take a minute to write down 3 adjectives about how you felt when you first launched your career, whether that was a new business or a corporate position. Were you “excited,” “fired up,” or “determined” to succeed? This short exercise will help you to re-focus on your intentions and breathe new life into your routine by remembering that initial spark.

Write these inspiring words on a post-it note then put them on your mirror as a daily reminder.


2.Keep the big picture in front of you.

Make a list of your short and long-term goals and post it on your fridge. This will remind you of the doable next steps every day while keeping your biggest dreams at the forefront of your mind. It’s easy to lose track of the big picture when we get mired down in the day-to-day.

According to a study mentioned in this article, “you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.” Now imagine having to face them every day.

If you are more visual, try making a vision board by cutting images of the type of lifestyle you want out of magazines and finding inspiring quotes by ambitious women entrepreneurs. Paste these into a collage on poster board and hang it somewhere you will see it every day.

You will be surprised at what this visualization exercise will allow you to manifest in your life! 

However you choose to do it, know that having to face your dreams every day will hold you accountable for staying on track to achieve them.


3.Focus on your “why” and the deep reason you have to keep going.

Maybe you are a single mother and you want to teach your daughter to be an empowered woman through your example so that she knows it’s possible to be the next female CEO. Or maybe you want to share your story about overcoming with other women, so you can inspire them to live bigger, fuller lives. 

Whatever your reason is, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture sometimes.

As a business coach for women, I know how important it is to stay true to our purpose. That’s why I enjoy helping others clarify and achieve their goals.


4.Get creative inspiration from nature and art.

If you’re feeling a lack of inspiration, take a trip to your local art museum, or go for a walk in beautiful scenery. When we see how easily things come together in nature, it shows us that everything doesn’t have to be so HARD. As women entrepreneurs, we just have to take the next best step.

Viewing creative pieces of art, or works by masters in their field, can re-activate the right brain and reinvigorate your work.

Here’s an idea that works even during quarantine — If you aren’t near any places that inspire you or they are still closed, try the Masterclass app, where you can take classes and get advice from successful female entrepreneurs of all genres.

Get business tips from Sara Blakely, Founder of the Billion-dollar company, Spanx, and other experts in their field, like Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, for less than $200 a year.

Also, if you’re interested in seeing an Ambitious Woman Mastermind,

let me know by contacting me here.

According to this article from The Healing Power of Arts & Artists, not only does viewing art increase blood flow to the brain by almost 10% but it also fires the same neurons as the artist used when they were creating it, stimulating inspiration.

In this day and age, there is no lack of inspiration around us, even from home, we just have to keep reaching for that excited energy that keeps us going. And even looking at successful women entrepreneurs in unrelated fields can bring a refreshing new perspective to our work. It refreshes us to see things from a different perspective.


5.Identify your idols or mentors and live by their example.

We can learn a lot from women who have already “made it.” How did they do it? Valuable insight and inspiration can be gained from learning how others got to the top. In The Ambitious Woman, you can read more real-life stories of successful female entrepreneurs who accomplished their wildest dreams and the habits that lead to their success. 

And we don’t just have to look at modern-day businesswomen either. Some of my biggest inspirations are Nelson Mandela, who endured 27 years in jail to defend his beliefs, Gandhi, and Jesus, true examples of how to live from a place of serving others. 

We also have to remember the bigger purpose of what we are trying to give to the world. This is the legacy we are leaving for humanity. Focusing on how we are serving the world helps us overcome the mundane daily tasks that can weigh us down by seeing how we are really making a difference in our society and communities. Think BIG!

As Gandhi famously said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”


6.Don’t forget to take breaks (and don’t feel guilty about it!)

As a business coach for women, I know sometimes the constant pushing through and striving forward can get exhausting and overwhelming. So often we undervalue stepping back and taking a break from everything we are dealing with daily. Resting actually helps us recalibrate once we let go of the guilty feeling that we should be “doing” all the time.

This article from the Harvard Business Review states, “Some evidence suggests that entrepreneurs are more at risk of burnout because they tend to be extremely passionate about work and more socially isolated, have limited safety nets, and operate in high uncertainty.”

Entrepreneurs, especially women, who have to balance the demands of their career with raising a family, face a lot of stress. In fact, according to this article, 41% of entrepreneurs feel stressed every day. We have to remember to take vacations, put work aside, do our self-care routines, and not give up when things get busy.

The alternative is we burn out and give up altogether, so don’t forget to take a day or two off when needed. Listen to what your body is telling you — if you’re tired and you can’t think straight, take some time out to recharge, your business and mindset will be better off for it.

We all have to replenish from time to time to stay sharp and stay in the game.

Go on that vacation you have been putting off. It will make you more productive in the long run.


If you are eager for more tips from successful female entrepreneurs, pick up a copy of my book, The Ambition Women,” and get inspired by other women who are making waves and living the life of their dreams!


If you are struggling to stay motivated on your own,

email me at [email protected] to get help and support

from a fellow woman entrepreneur who has reinvented herself many times over.



You Must Believe You Can Do Anything!

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One of the biggest lies of our time, in my opinion, is the idea that in order to be an Ambitious Woman you must be a career woman, working mom, wife and all-around role juggler. Actually, you can be an Ambitious woman in almost any role. Barbara Walters, a great role model who recently retired after 50 years in the entertainment and news business, says, “A woman can do anything. She can be traditionally feminine and that’s all right; she can work, she can stay at home; she can be aggressive; she can be passive; she can be any way she wants with a man. But whenever there are the kinds of choices there are today, unless you have some solid base, life can be frightening.” However, without the belief that you can do anything, you may never achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Actions always follow decisions. You must convince yourself first in your mind that you should do something, and then the action itself will follow. Until you decide it in head and heart, however, the actuality of the event will never occur. This is why it is so important to build passion, because from passion comes motivation.

You must convince yourself first in your mind that you should do something, and then the action itself will follow.

One of the greatest enemies of passion is people pleasing. It will cause you to be divided within yourself. Remember that others may not have the same goals for you that you do! When you try to please everyone, you are necessarily taking away from your own dreams and passions to pursue what someone else wants.

This is not to say that you should focus only on yourself. However, you should be aware of how much time you have to devote to others and keep yourself within that limit. You must also set your own goals and set aside time to pursue them vigorously, even if the people around you do not support your actions.

An Ambitious Woman always believes she can do anything she sets her mind to do. Barbara Walters is a wonderful example of the Ambitious Woman who is able to achieve what she wants because she has the flexibility to allow others to pursue their own dreams. Try to surround yourself with people like her; besides being a mentor and a great role model, these Ambitious Women are able to help you achieve your own goals through their support!

Risky Business: Building A Dream

Esther Spina, The Ambitious Woman, Ambitious Women, Spina, Esther Spina

Have you ever heard the story of Diana Nyad? On September 2, 2013, she swam 110 miles from Cuba to Florida. That may not seem like a unique accomplishment; after all, other people have done it before. However, there was a difference between Diana’s trip and those of other people.

For one thing, it was her fifth attempt to cross the dangerous ocean between these locations; four other times had ended in failure. For another, she was 64 years old! Even more incredibly, Diana was the first person to make the swim without a shark cage. What this should teach us all is to never give up and find a way to pursue your dreams. The more we stay in our comfort zones, the less inspiration and growth we experience.

The more we stay in our comfort zones, the less inspiration and growth we experience.

I am sure it cannot have been easy for Diana Nyad to pursue that dream. It was not easy for me when I spent two years, along with my husband, remodeling our home to sell it. I kept thinking, throughout the hard work, of the victory we would achieve if we could sell the house at a high price. Just thinking about it made the work easier! However, plans changed.

Suddenly, we found the dream home we wanted. What about our old house? We were not ready to sell. However, we were blessed to be able to pass the house to our son’s family. By taking the chance and putting in the hard work, we were able to not only achieve our dream but also to bless someone else.

The fact is that until you dare to swim without the shark cage, you will probably never realize your true dreams. Stepping outside of comfort zones is difficult, but if you never give up, seek inspiration and find a way to pursue your dream, you will realize the full potential of what you are capable of doing. In my book, The Ambitious Woman, you will find many examples of how I might never have achieved my goals without being willing to “swim with the sharks,” even without a cage!